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R Steele Electrical, your local electrician covering Belfast and the surrounding areas.

On this page, you'll soon be able to see images from some of our previous projects, which will give you an idea about what we can achieve. Our team of electricians are highly skilled and experienced and we have completed projects in properties of all sizes. From small jobs such as light switch replacements to full rewires and new build projects, we manage each project from start to finish and minimise the disruption caused to your day to day life. Some of the transformations that we have completed were truly spectacular - the properties were unrecognisable from before we arrived.

Get in touch to find out more about the electrical services that we provide.

Gallery coming soon....

Contact your local electricians, R Steele Electrical on 07772 365 826. We are based in Belfast and cover the surrounding areas within a 20 mile radius.
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